
Here are my experiments - a small demos created always when I want something to learn or explore. They can be taken as an insight into my interests in past few years.


My latest hobby is shader creation on Shadertoy WebGL Demoscene portal. It is amazing how powerful can be a browser equipped in WebGL engine.
Creation year: 2015
Language: GLSL
Technology: WebGL


QtRuleBasedMeshGenerator explores procedural mesh generation using L-Systems. It is based on the article "Homage to Structure Synth" by Philip Rideout.
Creation year: 2013
Language: C++
Technology: OpenGL, Qt
Source: repository


QtSpectrumFiltering is a program which exploits DSP techniques to remove selected frequency content from an audio track.
Creation year: 2013
Language: C++
Technology: Qt, mpg123, OpenAL
Source: repository, RevAudio


QtBeatDetection is an application that detects beats in an audio track. It uses the algorithms described in the article "Beat detection algorithms" by Frederic Patin.
Creation year: 2013
Language: C++
Technology: Qt, mpg123, OpenAL
Source: repository, RevAudio


QtCurvesAndSurfaces is an application that tests parametric curves described in the book Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics.
Creation year: 2013
Language: C++
Technology: Qt
Source: repository


GLImageFilters is a toy app for playing with image filters. Shaders used in this program comes from an WebGL application by Evan Wallace.
Creation year: 2012
Language: C++
Technology: OpenGL
Source: repository


GLFragmentEffects is an application for exploring various Fragment Shader effects. I'm the author only of the desktop application. Shaders come from the Shader Toy by Inigo Quilez.
Creation year: 2012
Language: C++
Technology: OpenGL
Source: repository


GLPlaneDeformations is an application for exploring 2D plane deformations described in the article by Inigo Quilez.
Creation year: 2012
Language: C++
Technology: OpenGL
Source: repository


CLImageEffects is an application that expoloits 2D FFT algorithm for fast convolution lens filter (see Blurring by Fourier Transform) and diagnostic purposes (2D frequency spectrum graphing).
Creation year: 2012
Language: C++
Technology: OpenCL, OpenGL
Source: repository


CLJuliaMandelbrot is a Mandelbrot Set and Julia Set fractal explorer. It exploits double precision OpenCL capabilites. Fractal rendering algorithm is taken from a shader created by Inigo Quilez.
Creation year: 2012
Language: C++
Technology: OpenCL, OpenGL
Source: repository

Mario Game

Mario Game is a clone of legendary Super Mario Bros game from the NES console. It has three playable levels and an option of creating custom levels using dedicated Level Editor (available as separated program).
Creation year: 2011
Language: C++ (game), Java (tile map editor)
Technology: SDL
Source: repository

3DS Viewer

3DS Viewer is a viewer of .3ds model files. For purpose of this program I've implemented my own .3ds importer - no external libraries.
Creation year: 2011
Language: C++
Technology: OpenGL, Qt
Source: repository

Szablon by Sliffka